Share the knowledge – February 2013

Share the knowledge - Compensation InsiderFebruary has been an extremely busy month, as we are finalising performance ratings and calibrations, preparing salary reviews and promotions, and calculating potential bonus payouts – not just for us, but also reviewing the proposals from our major assets. I also sat on various Compensation Committees and gave feedback on a number of proposals of changes in pay structures and incentives.

So I did not have much time to keep up with my Google Reader. As a result, this edition of Share the Knowledge will have fewer links and articles than usual. I hope you enjoy it nevertheless 🙂

First, and like every month, here are some of the best or most relevant Compensation & Benefits, performance management, HR and/or global mobility articles that I came across recently :

  • In Pay transparency : is there such a thing as “too much” from the Kenexa blog, Alison French analyses one example of a company where employees have access to the pay information of everyone, and focuses on the structural and cultural elements of such a policy. As I’ve written before, pay transparency has many advantages but also contains a few challenges. She covers some of them when envisioning the future of this policy on full pay transparency.
  • This article from the always excellent Dan Walter at Performensation will  complement some of my own. In What do CFOS wish Compensation Professionals knew ?, Dan emphasizes the need for C&B to present its projects from a business and ROI standpoint. This is one of my pet peeves and I’d like to encourage you to check out my post How do you communicate the value of your compensation plan ? as an example.
  • 10 issues for globally mobile talent in 2013
  • 2 videos from World at Work about getting the most from merit matrices :
    • Part 1 : technical aspects. A simple-to-understand overview of what a merit matrix is, what it means for employees (more performance is required if the employee is already paid high in the range), how  management can use it for deciding increases (back-end of the tool)and why it is useful for organisations (less than 9 minutes)
    • Part 2 : communication. How knowing the merit matrix can be a good motivator for employees to perform, and setting the right expectations about the maximum of pay that the organisation deems acceptable for each job. And the merit matrix can also be used to simulate budget costs of salary reviews, as a front end use of this tool. (less than 9 minutes).
  • From Jack Fitz-Enz, one of the gurus on the topic, an article about HR analytics : are you in or out ?

For those of you who are interested in GCC and MENA articles, here are some regional pieces :

Best of the rest :

  • A little bit of humour : 10 worst HR typos will make you smile, to finish this post in a good mood.
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