Here comes the time of the year where I share my accomplishments and disappointments for the previous year, but most importantly, the plan I’ve put in place for 2017. Like every year since 2005, I followed my trusted “Your Best Year Yet” plan and spent a day or two in order to devise a programme…
What 2017 will bring to Compensation Insider
The digitalisation of HR – are your systems in the 21st century yet ?

I was at the #OracleX conference in Dubai yesterday, which is basically a giant product showcase mixed with some interesting external contributions. It was a really great event, with superb organisation moving hundreds of people at the same time in a flawless way – I’ve never seen that many helpers at an event, but it…
8 tips to become a more attractive candidate for an HR position

“I really want to break into the Human Resources industry but I am currently unemployed, is there anything you suggest I do while unemployed, during my career search that would make me a more attractive candidate for a position?” This question from one of my readers really made me feel for her. Here below, I’ve…
Social media and C&B : are you one of the brave few ?

Catching up on some reading I found this post from fellow HR blogger and consultant Nicole Le Maire very interesting. In Social Media for Human Resources professionals ? Really !, Nicole reacts to the results of a survey by Carter Morris on how people working in HR use social media. She was shocked by some…
An overview of the Excellence in Talent Management Seminar from Teneo
The last of the 3 conferences where I was a speaker took place in Dubai last week. The 2-day event was organised by Julien Salvi from Teneo and was a very interactive event, with excellent speakers and an audience who participated fully, including in using technology through to share live comments (with or without…
Day Two of the 17th Compensation and Benefits Forum from IIRME – Recap
Following my report on Day One of the 17th annual Compensation & Benefits Forum from IIRME in Dubai, I am happy to share, today, my notes from the second day of this great conference. John Ohrnberger from ADIA opened with a general presentation on points to consider when thinking about Executive Compensation. It’s important to…
Day One of the 17th Compensation and Benefits Forum from IIRME – Recap
It’s been a busy month as I attended and spoke at 3 HR conferences in 30 days ! It’s a bit tiring but I really enjoy meeting new people, hearing from different organisations and opening my mind to new concepts. So this week will be a “special” : I’ll write 3 posts, two of them…