February has been an extremely busy month, as we are finalising performance ratings and calibrations, preparing salary reviews and promotions, and calculating potential bonus payouts – not just for us, but also reviewing the proposals from our major assets. I also sat on various Compensation Committees and gave feedback on a number of proposals of…
It’s impossible to ignore a sexy statistic
Short post today. A discussion at a recent team offsite covered the importance of setting goals, but also to have KPIs, metrics or SLAs in place in order to measure the progress toward, or degree of achievement of these goals. You know, the “M” in the classic “SMART” acronym. This cartoon “It’s impossible to ignore…
Reader Question – How do I get buy-in for the new Performance Management program ?
I will mourn the retirement of LinkedIn Answers. This was, for me, one of the most engaging features of LinkedIn, where anyone could ask questions and other members would volunteer to share their views and knowledge. The conversations in there were real, and often led to making new connections based on a common interest. I…
The History of Performance Reviews – infographic
I feel like starting the week lightly, so I’d like to share with you an infographic that I found both well-designed and educational. It is called The History of Performance Reviews and was created by the good folks at WorkSimple, which is a company specialised in social recognition and feedback. I have mentioned before that…
Why is “soft stuff” so hard really, at least to assess ?
As year-end approaches, we are all in the process of evaluating how well we did this year, and we are (or at least, some of us are) also thinking about objectives and goals for the coming 12 months. As part of your self appraisal, you surely find it natural to evaluate your performance based on…