Hello everyone ! It’s been a very long time since I last published a post. My offense has been, not a lack in ideas to share with you, but rather a lack in time : I’ve been juggling 2 major clients at the same time, and to make things more complicated, one is in Europe,…
Get 20% discount to join me at the Executive C&B Summit in Amsterdam !
Here is an exclusive rebate that you, my readers and followers, can benefit from : a 20% discount for attending the Executive Compensation & Benefits Summit on September 6 and 7, 2017, in wonderful Amsterdam. Wiipppeee !! 🙂 Excited already ? Go to engevents.com/events/compandben2017 and use code COMPIN20 to get your discount ! Listen…
Ramadan Kareem
I wish all my readers a blessed and peaceful Ramadan. Whether we are Muslim or not, this period of contemplation and celebration is an opportunity for us to remember that as human beings, there are more things uniting us, than dividing us. There is hope for all of us 🙂
HR Summit and Expo 2015 : a recap
Beware : long read ! The HR Summit and Expo 2015 organised by informa took place last week in Dubai from November 16 to 18. I was honoured to be invited again to present a session in the free learning track, and delivered some tips on how to use numbers and words to get better…
The Carnival of HR – International edition
Today is a new experience for me, and to say that I am excited to host the Carnival of HR for the first time would be a massive understatement ! The Carnival gives readers a chance to read articles from many different HR writers, all put together in one post. So when I had the…
Are you making the best use of your C&B function? – Free webinar
Hello my friends, It’s been a long time ! My readers based in the UAE may remember that I was due to make 3 free presentations at the very big, and very successful HR Summit organised by IIRME in Dubai in October. Unfortunately, I have been very ill for more than a month and was…