This page is about my Site Policies and my approach to doing business on the Internet. My desire is to earn and maintain your trust, and I wish to make your online experience pleasant and enjoyable.
Just like you, I really value my privacy on the Internet. I only trust websites and/or forums that ensure that my personal information remains just that – personal. As a guest or visitor to my site, I can assure you that I respect your right to privacy. I will never sell, rent or share your personal information.
Privacy policies are important, and I have implemented an extensive policy to disclose how I gather and use your personal information on this site.
Here is a link to my full Privacy Policy.
Generally speaking, I encourage you to use, modify and share my content for non-commercial use, if you attribute it to me. Unless specified otherwise, this blog is therefore licenced under Creative Commons (licence CC BY-NC 3.0).
When you use the print/pdf button at the bottom or top of a page or post, it will create a great looking pdf with a reference to the URL of the post. You can print, save or distribute it immediately.
To prevent use of my content in a manner non-compatible with the copyright conditions, I also use a copyright certificate which proves I was the one who created the original content.
Here is a link to my full Copyright Policy.
This disclaimer is a bit lengthy but to cut a long story short, here is what it covers.
Even though this is not the case at the moment, I may one day monetise this blog beyond simply referring to the products and services of my company, The Bardot Group. This could take the form of advertisements such as Google ads or banners, sponsorships, affiliate links or any other mean. I will clearly indicate any such situation on each relevant post or page. Maybe one day these ads will cover the costs of maintaining this site’s domain name, hosting, and other related expenses such as graphic designer or web design etc 🙂
I intend no harm or unlawful action through this blog. It represents my own ideas, not these of my employer. My ideas may change over time, and I may make mistakes…
Finally, whilst I encourage you to interact through the comments section, every commenter is responsible/liable for their own ideas, and I reserve the right to delete any comment which I deem inappropriate, rude or abusive for example.
Read my full Disclaimer and Disclosure.
One last thing : you can ask to receive the original of any testimonial that I produce on this website. Simply send me a request through my Contact Me page and I’ll be happy to send you the email or page where the testimonial was produced.
Thank you for taking the time to read my Site Policies.
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