This post is dedicated to my readers, old and new. In the past 6 months, the number of people reading Compensation Insider has grown from 12-15 per day to about 100 per day. I am very happy and hope to continue to see growth in my readership as I believe in sharing information and points of view with as large an audience as possible. That’s why I also speak at HR events like the IIRME Compensation & Benefits Forum last week :-). I will publish an update on that very soon…
So, I have extracted the 10 most read pages from this blog, and want to share them with you to let you discover them – or revisit some oldies that you liked some time ago. Good reading !
- Compensation aspects of HR trends for 2012 : An overview of the trends relevant to Compensation professionals in the Middle East and GCC, based on SHRM’s Future Insights reports on HR trends for 2012.
- What are the benefits of a good performance management system ? : A good Performance Management Systems improves the performance of the company as employees are motivated, their work is aligned with company goals and there are fewer issues thanks to on-going feedback from the manager.
- Does competency-based performance management really work ? : Can performance management be based on competencies ? Yes it can – but it depends on what your purpose is. If you want to focus on employee growth it is great, if you want pay-for-performance, other approaches may be more adapted.
- Calibration of employee ratings – a rigid rule ? : Calibration or moderation allows to reach a common culture of performance through managers discussing and agreeing the relative performance of employees.
- Percentiles – an easy way to figure it out : An easy-to-understand defintion of percentiles, as well as a simple example of how to figure it out manually without mathematical formulas.
- Of average salaries in Europe : There is no such thing as “average salaries across Europe. Despite the euro, each country has its own tax and social security system, history and cultures, and salaries vary widely.
- A few career and life lessons from my last job in Italy : 5 years ago I was working in Italy and utterly miserable at my job. I eventually resigned and learned a few lessons that still support my professional life today.
- A view on emiratisation from the Abu Dhabi Tawteen Council : Abu Dhabi Tawteen Council (ADTC) provides some insight on the challenges facing the country in implementing a successful emiratisation of the private sector.
- From job evaluation to salary scales – the basics : An overview of how to move from job descriptions to job evaluations to job grading to salary ranges.
- Emiratisation and Compensation & Benefits part I : C&B can support emiratisation in many ways. In the first of two posts, I cover base pay, allowances, KPIs and incentives as the most direct areas of influence.
… and if you liked them, here are some of my personal favorites, in no particular order :
- The Formula One effect on performance management : Some comparisons between Formula One and performance management, drawn from the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix 2011.
- Is social performance management coming out of the closet ? : Salesforce Rypple offers social performance management, with features similar to social networks and gaming. How easily would it be accepted in the Middle East?
- Four women’s influence on my career : International Women’s Day – Paying tribute to women who influenced my career
- The pros and cons of keeping compensation information confidential : An overview of the advantages and disadvantages of not providing communication about compensation, benefits, allowances, pay for performance and incentives.
- 3 factors influencing the promotion rate for your organisation : Your company maturity, the composition of your employee population, and your grading structure all have an influence on the frequency of promotions for your staff.
- Enhance your Google search skills for Compensation research : Use this infographic to help you refine your Search skills on Google. This will get you research results that are more relevant for your Compensation projects.
- Understanding R-square value in compensation analysis : In simple or multiple regression analysis, R-square value (or R2) helps you understand how much one or multiple variables explain the result you are studying.
- The limits of Emiratisation quotas : To cascade Emiratisation targets into the company, you can set quotas in the Directors bonus scheme. But this quantiative approach is flawed when used by itself.
- Create the best rules in Outlook to boost your productivity : How-to and practical examples of how to use Rules in your Outlook inbox in order to boost your productivity.
- Compensation Surveys – the ultimate buyer checklist : Beyond the price and reputation of the compensation survey provider, there are many factors to check when buying a compensation survey.
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Congratulations Sandrine, on a great start and an excellent blog. I know from experience how hard it can be to generate good content week after week. I’m sure your readers appreciate your efforts very much.
Thanks Warren !
Yes, 3 posts a week is a lot of work, but I truly enjoy writing. And the idea of hopefully bringing some value to other people is now more appealing to me than writing, say, a private journal like I did until my late 20s 🙂