February has been an extremely busy month, as we are finalising performance ratings and calibrations, preparing salary reviews and promotions, and calculating potential bonus payouts – not just for us, but also reviewing the proposals from our major assets. I also sat on various Compensation Committees and gave feedback on a number of proposals of…
Do you pay for the job or the nationality ?
A recent article reviewing salary differences between nationalities in the GCC made me think. Obviously, in the region, we are all aware of these differences, even if we rarely mention them. According to the annual Gulf Business salary survey, “In the UAE, a Western expat makes 12.6 per cent more than an Arab expat and…
As an expat, do I long for my home country ?
This instance of Reader Question will give you a very personal interpretation of the answer. I hope to encourage you to think about the meaning of home, origins/roots and sense of belonging, as we are nearing a time of the year where many of us reconnect (or long to) with our families for Christmas and…
How to make management look into real inflation for salary budgets
Ayesha joined my readership recently and asked : “I would love to hear some suggestions on what to do when market inflation rates are far higher than what the official sources as well the generally accepted sources like the The Economic Intelligence Unit magazine report… and we have to convince the organization to allocate higher…
2012 – A year of Compensation links for the UAE
Here is a gift for my readers: one year ago I wrote a piece describing the challenges facing HR and Compensation professionals in the UAE. I have compiled the most relevant articles published since, in order to update you on the latest trends affecting the work environment in the UAE. The information is compiled by…