The Compensation & Benefits Forum 2014 organised by IIRME (now to be called Informa) will take place on June 8 -12 in Dubai, and I am honoured to be one of the speakers again. Compensation Insider is also the official blog partner of the Forum, and I am write the report summarizing the findings from…
Do you want to try and win a free pass to the C&B Forum in Dubai this June ?
Do you have questions about the Cost of Living reports ?
A few weeks ago I introduced the Cost of Living Reports for the UAE, Qatar, KSA and an overall GCC report. The reports are very comprehensive and include sections on: accommodation costs (very detailed by accommodation type and area in the Dubai and Abu Dhabi) education health transport and travel costs household goods and utility…
2014 C&B objectives and a first tool for you
Hello, hello, and Happy New Year ! With 2014 already under way, I looked back at what happened in my life last year, reflected, and, as previous years, went through my trusted Your Best Year Yet process. I’d like to share with you some of my goals for 2014 that relate to Compensation Insider and…
Back to basics on analytics
Someone recently asked me “how to go about analytics” in Compensation & Benefits. I won’t share here a list of KPIs, SLAs and other metrics to track. The internet already has plenty of that available at the push of a button. As far as analytics is concerned, I believe that one should not necessarily use…
Frustrated : a story of customer service and data format
You know something that really annoys me ? It’s the way that the large survey providers tend to treat their customers in the GCC. Let me share an example. I have more, from other providers – maybe I’ll write them up too in the future. The customer by the way, yes, that’s me. And you.…
Case study – Give an out-of-cycle increase to my employee now!
Imagine the scene – you won’t have much problem doing so as I’m sure you have faced a similar situation in the past 🙂 : It’s August. The Head of Accounting calls you and theatrically announces : “There is something wrong in what you decided to pay my employee Hassan ! He is underpaid and…
How to make management look into real inflation for salary budgets
Ayesha joined my readership recently and asked : “I would love to hear some suggestions on what to do when market inflation rates are far higher than what the official sources as well the generally accepted sources like the The Economic Intelligence Unit magazine report… and we have to convince the organization to allocate higher…