How Reward reinforces your culture and strategy – 4 examples

My good friend Sylvia Doyle is a terrific independent Rewards consultant based in the UK. A few days ago, she produced an interesting piece on the CIPD Reward Blogger’s blog called “I have a question for you”. Her post raises interesting points about culture and strategy. As she wrote : “As HR and reward professionals,…

2014 C&B objectives and a first tool for you

 Hello, hello, and Happy New Year ! With 2014 already under way, I looked back at what happened in my life last year, reflected, and, as previous years, went through my trusted Your Best Year Yet process. I’d like to share with you some of my goals for 2014 that relate to Compensation Insider and…

Back to basics on analytics

Someone recently asked me “how to go about analytics” in Compensation & Benefits. I won’t share here a list of KPIs, SLAs and other metrics to track. The internet already has plenty of that available at the push of a button. As far as analytics is concerned, I believe that one should not necessarily use…

Prime de coiffure – An elegant solution

Ah, don’t you love the variety of questions that come to HR and C&B ? Today’s post is from my former colleague John Tinsley’s blog. You will quickly understand why I really enjoyed this article and am so happy to republish it here : it’s about C&B, France, hair do, and with a hint of…

4 tips for creating bulletproof HR policies

Clients regularly ask me : “How do I create a policy ?”. Many times, they start by brainstorming about the topic of the policy, listing all possible twists and turns, and diving right into what the policy “should” be. Very rapidly, they feel overwhelmed and confused, not knowing how to organise their thoughts to make…

Dear NSA, let me take care of your slides

A quick note today. I found a rather humouristic presentation about a topic that has been in the news lately : the PRISM system of electronic spying. I don’t know if the content is real in the slides below, but that is not the point of this post. In Dear NSA, let me take care…

Executive Labour markets – the emerging markets story

Today’s post comes from Ian Davidson. Ian has an impressive track record in the C&B sphere. His specialty is executive pay, and he has been involved in the financial services industry for a long time. He shares his thoughts on his blog at and also podcasts – something I am planning to try soon…