I don’t do New Year resolutions any longer. I used to go through the ritual in the past, but my motivation, like for many people, never lasted long. After a few weeks or even a few days, I was back to my past behaviour and never gave these resolutions another look back… until the end…
Merit increase or bonus, how do you reward performance ?
Welcome back to Compensation Insider ! I wish you an excellent year and hope you will be visiting my site regularly 🙂 Given we are at the beginning of the year and most HR and Compensation experts are about to go through salary reviews and bonus payments, I thought it would be relevant to share…
To do peer ranking or not to do peer ranking..?
A recent post from Lance Haun at TLNT covered the results from a survey performed by a corporate networking organisation called ic4p. Titled “As Pay-for-Performance goes up, forced ranking is going down“, in this article Haun makes a good analysis of why the reasons for implementing pay-for-performance matter and make a difference between high performing…
A thought about what you really value in your organisation
As we head into year-end appraisals… and the week-end, this cartoon from great “corporate life” blog OneFte.com will be all for today. Think about what you really value in your organisation, and enjoy your week-end !
The Formula One effect on performance management
As I reflect on the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix that took place two days ago, I can’t help but make some parallels between Formula 1 and performance management. Here are a few not-so-random thoughts : Even the best can face failure. Sebastian Vettel was in pole position on the starting grid. It was his 14th…