I don’t do New Year resolutions any longer.
I used to go through the ritual in the past, but my motivation, like for many people, never lasted long. After a few weeks or even a few days, I was back to my past behaviour and never gave these resolutions another look back… until the end of the year and making the same resolutions again.
Thankfully, a few years back, I discovered a book that really helped me to move my life forward. Your Best Year Yet, by Jinny Ditzler, describes a 10-question approach to setting life goals every year. After analysing your achievements and disappointments over the past 12 months and learning from them, you set goals for each role you play in your life and select your Top Ten Goals for the year. You eventually go through a system to work on each goal you have set up every month and every week. The objective is to keep balance in your life and never forget any side of it, so that you feel complete and moving forward in every aspect.
Even though I never fully manage to completely achieve all Top Ten Goals (but I do accomplish many of all the goals for each role), I achieve a lot more in my life every year thanks to the thorough upfront thinking involved in the process. Why ? Because the deep reflection and analysis helps me focus on what really matters to me as an individual, not on what I think I should aim for – therefore making it easy to be committed to these objectives because I own them truly.
This monthly section of my blog is about career management, yet the Best Year Yet method is larger than just work, and encompasses your whole life. However, given the balance that it helps maintain in life, this method has a direct and positive impact on your professional achievements.
The approach I take to my professional role in this methodology has always been quite different to the goal-setting methods I use for defining my annual objectives through the performance management system in place at my company.
Indeed, through Best Year Yet, I focus on what matters to me as a person from a professional standpoint. Sometimes, it overlaps with the objectives and projects that will define my daily activities at work. But Best Year Yet helps me mostly to remember the real value adding elements of my professional life.
So let me share with you some of my goals in my “Head of” role for 2012. Even if you don’t go through this method, some of these objectives may resonate with you. Please feel free to adopt and adapt any of these as you see fit.
As a team leader and expert in Performance and Rewards, I intend to :
- Continue to grow my team through formal certification, stretching objectives, coaching them myself, and making them teach one another.
- Implement processes and tools to make life easier and faster for us and for the HR community and the business, even if it takes us initially more time to develop these tools.
- Focus all our approaches through the lens of client service.
- Make time for me to maintain and evolve our vision and strategy, to support my team, and to develop and cultivate relationships with all our stakeholders.
- Focus on value-adding activities at my level, and improve my technical and managerial skills.
- Continue asking questions, challenge the status quo and strive to introduce new ideas and concepts into my professional life.
Do you think these goals make sense ? And what about you ? Do you use a goal-setting method ? Go on, you know you want to share your goals as it will help increase your commitment ! Simply use the comments section 🙂
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