Welcome back to Compensation Insider ! I wish you an excellent year and hope you will be visiting my site regularly 🙂 Given we are at the beginning of the year and most HR and Compensation experts are about to go through salary reviews and bonus payments, I thought it would be relevant to share…
What is your approach to aging ?
… I’m referring to aging salary survey data, of course 🙂 The big compensation providers are starting to return the results of their 2011 surveys, and now is the time to get started on the analysis of the data. So, a few months ago, you participated to the survey. The data you submitted was dated…
How to decide how many promotions to grant each year
In a post last week, I described the best order in which to apply salary increases. Basically you start from the most general ones, and progressively you apply those that are more individual in nature. Promotional increases are among the second category, as only a minority of employees receive them each year. I got a…
The best order in which to apply salary increases in any organisation
Salary review time is approaching fast and so today I wanted to write about the order in which we apply salary increases. Does it matter ? Or is it totally irrelevant to what you are trying to achieve when going through your internal and external equity reviews ? First, let’s have a look at the…