When I was preparing for my previous post on Netflix, my attention was drawn to a small part of Reed Hastings’ interview. He said : “We care about great work. This requires thoughtful, mature high-performance employees.” (emphasis is mine). So I went on a path of discovery to try and find more information about the…
Don’t like handcuffs ? Join Netflix !
Reed Hastings is the co-founder and CEO of Netflix, which provides live streaming TV and video shows from the internet on a monthly subscription basis in the USA, Canada, UK and Ireland. A great concept and one that led to the ultimate doom of the local video/DVD rental business (think Blockbusters). In How to set…
3 factors influencing the promotion rate for your organisation
As we got into salary review time or mid-year reviews, colleagues have asked me, almost every year, the same question about the promotion rate : “What is a reasonable benchmark for the number of employees to be promoted each year ?” Now, bear with me please because my answer is one that usually is not…
5 traps to avoid for your Compensation projects
You have to manage one or more Compensation & Benefits projects and want to achieve success as they form part of your objectives for the year. Before you rush into implementation mode, here are 5 fundamental traps to avoid : 1 – Lack of executive buy-in All projects require a clear sponsor. This is especially…
Compensation aspects of HR trends for 2012
Future Insights is a recently published report looking into “the top trends for 2012 according to SHRM’s HR subject matter expert panels”. Even though SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, is an HR trade association based mostly in the USA, I found some of the trends to be interesting also at an international level.…
Merit increase or bonus, how do you reward performance ?
Welcome back to Compensation Insider ! I wish you an excellent year and hope you will be visiting my site regularly 🙂 Given we are at the beginning of the year and most HR and Compensation experts are about to go through salary reviews and bonus payments, I thought it would be relevant to share…
High Pay Commission report tackles excessive high compensation
Since the beginning of the global crisis, the topic of Executive Pay has been a major point of focus for many observers, journalists, economists, governance and remuneration specialists, as well as the “man on the street”. Recent developments in the US have included the implementation of stricter rules regarding Say on Pay (shareholders voting on…