Here is an exclusive rebate that you, my readers and followers, can benefit from :
- a 20% discount
- for attending the Executive Compensation & Benefits Summit
- on September 6 and 7, 2017,
- in wonderful Amsterdam.
Wiipppeee !! 🙂
Excited already ? Go to and use code COMPIN20 to get your discount !
Listen to me describing the conference, or read below to learn more about this stimulating event :
I’m very happy today to be discussing with you about an exclusive discount that I’ve negotiated for my readers and followers of 20% off on the price of attending the upcoming Executive Compensation and Benefits Summit that is organized by ENG and which will take place in Amsterdam on the 6th and 7th of September, 2017.
This is a two day conference which will have speakers from a wide variety of organizations, very large corporations such as Ericsson, Metro, Dassault Systems, The Body Shop, Maersk, PwC, Santander and more.
There will be many topics. The conference is mostly about Executive Compensation but covers a whole array of things.
So for example there will be a session on Compensation Philosophy and the overall package design principles. There will be a panel on aligning the performance measures with corporate strategy, which is something which is absolutely crucial for organizations.
There will be also presentations on how changes that occur in the organization in the middle of the year can have an impact on your short term incentive plans, and also on how to use rewards for the purposes of attraction, motivation, engagement, and retention.
So from a compensation point of view, as you can see, the topics will be covering all the very important linkages between compensation, rewards and the strategy of the organization.
For those of you who are also interested in benefits, there will be plenty to be listening to because we will be discovering a pensions planning tool and we will be looking at Merger and Acquisitions with a focus on executive compensation.
We will talk about the opposite of Merger and acquisitions as well, because there will be one presentation on de-merger impacts. We will learn about the outlook on all the regulatory requirements specially within Europe.
We will also have a presentation on performance share plans and how it corresponds to the company agenda.
So as you can see this is all very focused on making sure that Compensation professionals have the right tools and the right mindset in order to work.
There will be a number of things that I’m personally interested quite intensely in. There will be two case studies that look at the interactions of the Compensation function with the rest of the organization. One will be on the interaction with Finance, Treasury and Risk management, and the other one will be on the link between Executive Compensation and the rest of global HR. Those are two case studies so I think they will be filled with very practical points.
There will be also an interactive workshop which the organizers very interestingly present us as having the best of mix of speed dating and topic debate – and the topics are quite diverse and interesting. There will be discussions on the latest short term and long term incentive models, the links between retention and remuneration, how incentives design drives corporate performance, and also on the impact volatile share prices on compensation.
Finally one presentation which I think is truly going to be quite different is a presentation by somebody from Cirque du Soleil and they will be discussing how to tie together a culture of creativity and performance, and compensation. I think that they have a very special culture and this should be a really, really interesting presentation.
So overall if I summarize :
- Amsterdam 6th and 7th of September of 2017,
- The Executive Compensation and Benefits Summit,
- There will be speakers from very big corporations,
- There will be discussions on all aspects of compensation and benefits ranging from the link to corporate strategy, engagement and motivation, to all sorts of topics on benefits and case studies and interactive workshops,
- There will be time for networking as well
- and as I was saying, I have negotiated a 20% discount for my readers and followers.
So how do you benefit from that? Go toÂ . The code for benefiting from the discount is COMPIN20.
I hope you will join ! Amsterdam is a fantastic place to go, and I will be attending the conference. So if you plan to go please do drop me a message at, I’m always happy to meet my followers and my readers and it would be great to see somebody that is coming to the event.
I hope to meet you there !
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