All you need to know : from compensation surveys to salary ranges and salary review

Frances, one of my readers, recently commented to me as follows : I have to create salary ranges and compare the current salary to market data. This will allow me to make the determination if the person’s pay is within the acceptable range. Year-end is approaching and I am starting to get more questions around…

An interpretation of Seth Godin’s “The End of Should”

Seth Godin’s posts are notoriously short and to the point. The End of Should is a recent one that I thought Compensation and HR professionals could use : Banks should close at 4, books should be 200 pages long, CEOs should go to college, blogs should have comments, businessmen should be men, big deals should…

7 people management lessons from the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix

  This post is dedicated to my friend Aroop, who is a big fan from my previous Formula One post. I hope you enjoy this one too ! On Sunday the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix took place. The race was eventful, and like last year, some of its aspects made me think of HR and…

Should we penalize employees for not taking action ?

Michael Haberman is a US-based consultant in HR and he writes one of the best general HR blogs around at Omega HR Solutions. My regular readers will know that I regularly feature him in my “Share the Knowledge” column, where I highlight the best reads I’ve found in HR, compensation, benefits, performance management, mobility, governance…

Share the knowledge – October 2012

Like every month, here are some of the best or most relevant Compensation & Benefits, performance management, HR and/or global mobility articles that I came across recently : A nice piece on why HR needs storytelling skills from the HR Capitalist. My regular readers know that good communication on compensation is one of my pet…

Using averages : what real estate prices can teach Compensation pros

A conversation with my family prompted today’s post. We were talking about average square meter prices of real estate in Limoges in the heart of France. So my mother goes : “The average price per square meter is 1,000 euros in Limoges. So we can calculate for your grandfather how much the house is worth”.…

Four collective tactics to deal with pay compression

Today, I will share some of my favorite ideas on how to address pay compression in a systematic, collective manner. This is the third and final part in my mini-series on pay compression, which was initiated by a question from one of my subscribers. The first article covered how to deal with pay compression at…