New hires vs employees : 3 salary situations and how to handle them

Imagine the scene : you are sitting at your desk, happily going along your normal HR activities, when an employee (let’s call him John) enters your office and expresses some concern over his compensation. More specifically, he says, he knows that some of his former colleagues at his previous employer, “who were earning the exact…

The best order in which to apply salary increases in any organisation

Salary review time is approaching fast and so today I wanted to write about  the order in which we apply salary increases. Does it matter ? Or is it totally irrelevant to what you are trying to achieve when going through your internal and external equity reviews ? First, let’s have a look at the…

Reader Question – What to consider for salary planning ?

Today’s reader query is suggested by a question asked by a LinkedIn member, who wanted to know : “What indicators are important in your company planning (changing, reviewing) pay policy for next year ?”. Just like for any other year, I suggest going through a four-step approach : 1 – Is my pay policy still…

Why every word counts in Compensation & Benefits

Well, we work in HR. It’s a well-known fact that people in the Human Capital function need to be VERY careful with the words we use… in writing but also when speaking, whether in one-on-one or one-to-many circumstances. After all, we have access to a lot of confidential and sometimes private information. Employees and managers…

Compensation surveys – the ultimate buyer checklist

Maybe you are expanding into a new country, or you need complementary information on top of the one you already possess in your markets. So you are considering participating to a compensation survey. Beyond the price and reputation of the provider of compensation data, here is a checklist, in no particular order, of what you…

What happens when an employee moves from Sales to non Sales ?

“Confused HR” asks : “What is the guideline for employees who are in Sales Incentive Plan but accepted a new role which is not SIP-eligible ? From my point of view, it makes no sense to move them into the regular bonus scheme after all the efforts we have done to convince them to go…

Why I love Comp

How do I define Compensation & Benefits ? It’s the art of knowing how much and what to give an employee in exchange for his/her work : the base salary, bonus and performance management system, perks, stock-options and long-term incentives, recognition schemes, sales incentives, and benefits such as pension or healthcare… and that’s “just” the…