How to compare average and median salary information

I recently described how to calculate a percentile. Today I will clarify the difference between the average and the median. Technically, the average is the sum of all data points, divided by the number of data points. The median is the 50th percentile, or the value that splits the data points in two equal groups…

How RSS feeds and News Readers can help Compensation & Benefits

Today I want to share a little bit of web advice, in the form of RSS feeds and how to use them in Compensation & Benefits. What is an RSS feed and how to use it ? RSS feeds allow you to stay up to date with the latest news and updates from your favourite…

Compensation surveys – the ultimate buyer checklist

Maybe you are expanding into a new country, or you need complementary information on top of the one you already possess in your markets. So you are considering participating to a compensation survey. Beyond the price and reputation of the provider of compensation data, here is a checklist, in no particular order, of what you…

Compensation Data vs Compensation Intelligence

A few months ago at the request of one of my HR colleagues, I did a little informal presentation on the topic of “Data is not the same as Intelligence” to her team. Her challenge was that her department was tracking a lot of information, but no-one was finding it relevant or useful. They were…