I am very excited today to announce that I will deliver my first-ever public course on Compensation & Benefits very soon in Dubai ! “Deciphering C&B to make it work for your organisation” is a 2-day training taking place on March 24 and 25 at The Address Dubai Mall, in exclusive partnership with TPS World…
Want to join me as I deliver my first public course on C&B in Dubai ?
What does “utilities at cost” reimbursement cover ?
Nadim, one of my readers asks : “In our company for certain senior grades we do pay Utilities at actual cost which is the DEWA bill (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority). In my opinion utilities should cover the water and electricity, however I got employees who are claiming also for the household gas, or even…
4 tips for creating bulletproof HR policies
Clients regularly ask me : “How do I create a policy ?”. Many times, they start by brainstorming about the topic of the policy, listing all possible twists and turns, and diving right into what the policy “should” be. Very rapidly, they feel overwhelmed and confused, not knowing how to organise their thoughts to make…
Dear NSA, let me take care of your slides
A quick note today. I found a rather humouristic presentation about a topic that has been in the news lately : the PRISM system of electronic spying. I don’t know if the content is real in the slides below, but that is not the point of this post. In Dear NSA, let me take care…
4 steps for getting Execs to care about Compensation
If you are a regular reader of Compensation Insider, you will know that I am particularly interested in how we communicate Compensation & Benefits topics in our organisations. I believe that every word counts in Compensation & Benefits, that storytelling skills are essential for influential Compensation pros, and that you should avoid giving answers that…