How many salary surveys should I participate to ?

Tips for deciding in how many salary surveys you should participate if your company operates across multiple industries.

How to personalize Total Rewards

We look at how to personalize Total Rewards by introducing flexibility in many areas of the employee package.

Using the anchoring concept in communication for Rewards and HR

We discuss how behavioural science can impact the communication of Total Rewards, with specific examples using the anchoring concept.

Reducing the impact of Covid on the gender pay gap

Discover why Covid had more negative economic impact on women, and what HR/C&B can do to be more inclusive and reduce the gender pay gap.

Impact of COVID on Total Rewards in 2021 and beyond

We discuss the impact COVID is going to have on Compensation and Benefits / Performance and Rewards in 2021 and beyond.

Digitalisation of HR : moving toward a consumer-style experience ?

We discuss how the digitalisation of HR can help provide an employee experience which is on par with the expectations we all now have as digital consumers.

Compensation Insider – what’s new ?

Hello everyone ! It’s been a very long time since I last published a post. My offense has been, not a lack in ideas to share with you, but rather a lack in time : I’ve been juggling 2 major clients at the same time, and to make things more complicated, one is in Europe,…